I'm Rachelle, you can call me Chelly.
I was born and raised on the island of Lāna’i (La-na-e), in Hawai’i. I have an amazing supportive husband and two totally opposite teenagers. Oh, can’t forget our lovable, spontaneous, not a morning dog Sophie Ever.
My journey started during a traumatic & tumultuous time in my life. I never thought I would be diagnosed with depression, anxiety and losing my oldest brother all in the same year. It was the most difficult obstacle I had to endure. (Honestly, worse then giving birth to my children.) It wasn’t easy to find myself again. Day’s of no desire to get out of bed. Unable, to go out in public, constantly having panic attacks. Not being able to feel. Just utterly being in darkness constantly. Having to bare so many responsibilities & yet trying to stay happy & positive for loved ones, co-workers & friends. I was deteriorating, my mental health was becoming unbearable at which point I had to finally change my perspective of my life and well-being and made a drastic change.
Crystals…..Yes! Crystals, helped me find myself again. It helped me find who I am and live a more healthy positive life. That’s when I started thinking: Would I be able to create something with crystals to help others who are in need of enlightenment, spirituality & the confidence to be themselves. It hit me! Crystal jewelry! My passion & love flourished to be able to create crystal jewelry for everyone in my community to spread the joy and love crystals has brought in my life. It’s only the beginning & so much more to come. I can’t wait to show you!
Behind the brand:
Lāna’i: Meaning “Day of Conquest” an island in Hawai’i. (Please, use appropriate pronunciation because “lanai” means porch.) Lāna’i, is my home. I was born & raised on this beautiful aina. This land means so much to me.
Aniani: Hawaiian word for crystal or glass
If you would like to know more about our brand.
Follow me on Instagram @lanai_aniani or Facebook https://Facebook.com/lanaianiani